sâmbătă, 22 martie 2014

Aurora Borealis - The Northern Lights

This is why I came here in the first place. A dream. My dream. Because I'm living my story and I'm happy doing this, despite the critics.

Bogdan arrived in Norway one day before me, on Wednesday morning, and he was lucky enough to catch the sun and the light in that sleepless day and night. He didn't sleep until I came, on Thursday morning, this is what I call LOVE
Love for photography. And for me.

I really don't know what to post first, The pictures he took during the day or the ones taken by night? I will reverse the time a little bit, and I'll post the night first, because it's so spectacular I can't stop myself. 

May I introduce… the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis. It's a natural phenomenon, a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the high latitude regions, like this one where we are now. The aurora is caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere. The charged particles originate in the magnetosphere and solar wind and, on Earth, are directed by the Earth's magnetic field into the atmosphere.

Aurora Borealis is named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the North wind, Boreas. The aurora borealis most often occurs near the equinoxes, so this is why we are here exactly on my brother's birthday. 

I LOVE YOU, even if I'm not there to celebrate today!

Bogdan went two nights ago on Skanksanden beach, somewhere North from where we are now, and he was lucky enough to catch this beautiful aurora.

In this area, Lofoten Islands, you can see the aurora, if the night is clear, from late September until the beginning of May. 

We came with the astro-photographer Alex Conu, on an organised tour, he knows well the places and the light. Actually, he came here for good, together with his wife, Anca, so if you have in mind a visit in the area, you can contact him at www.doipeglob.ro, and I'm sure you'll get the best of those views, in any season.

There is a website where you can keep up with what is happening in the sky: www.spaceweather.com, you can find some aurora borealis prognosis and alerts.

Unfortunately, when we woke up, the weather was really bad, the sky was dark and it started to snow all of a sudden. Today we found a snowman in front of our cabin's door.

Hello, Olaf!

I hope I'll see it one of those nights, the weather changes every hour, so chances are good. If you're wondering about the points on the sky, that is not photographic noise, those are STARS!

Wish me luck!

5 comentarii:

drstoica spunea...

Ia uite, sunt la pământ oamenii ăia cu sistemul de iluminare stradală! :D Beznă. Da' frumos! :)

Camelia spunea...

Ei, am tot alergat dupa bezna noptile astea :). Am si gasit-o din cand in cand. #68north

James spunea...

It's an amazing view of northern lights and thanks for sharing about your Northern lights alaska tours

unknown spunea...

I like to read your post. Thanks for sharing. To see the northern lights plan your Northern lights trips.

unknown spunea...

Great post. Thanks for sharing this information. To see northern lights then in winter plan trip to see the northern lights.