luni, 20 iunie 2011

Sunday's Sour Cherries

Ok, Sunday it's over now, but we are still licking our wounds... just kidding! of course it was fun, and I'm happy because we were very present and we tasted the happy time with all our bodies and souls.
We started with a visit at Hornbach (DIY supermarket) to buy a ladder, because all the cherries were mature and we couldn't reach them.

Then, we went to the supermarket, with the declared purpose to buy some small gifts for the teachers and maids from kindergarten, because it was the end of the school year and we were delighted with their work, as we saw it on Saturday. We bought food and beer and when we arrived home we realized we forgot to buy the gifts. Yeah, we both have the heads in the clouds sometimes!

Radu helped Bogdan to assemble the rocking chair in the full heat of the noon... all the good guys together.

Runa was the first to use the ladder, she was the most hard-working from all of us. And the bravest. Especially when I asked her to go in the house and start to learn for the English test.

Mara refreshed herself in all the ways you can figure, with the water pumps working on the grass. Soon, the whole family followed her example.

Then, she dried up and rest for a while... not for too long, anyway.

I finished alone to pick up the cherries, then I removed the kernels, so my mother-in-law could make a cake. Sorry, no pics for the cake. It's gone.
For the night we had in plan a birthday party. Well... what the plans are for?

We took Bogdan's car to car-washing, put all the kids in the other car and hurried to the supermarket to buy the forgotten gifts. Bogdan received a strange call from the car-washing owner, telling that his car doesn't start anymore. 
A very nice car. 
So, Bogdan was left with his car, while I left with all the kids. 
In the supermarket we decided that Radu and Mara will fill the basket, while Runa will put everything back on the shelves. Even with such a deal, one thing I can say: it didn't come out cheap.
Back at home, Bogdan wasn't back yet. He was towing his car to the service, very far away from home. So, I quickly realized there will not be any party. Not a birthday party, anyway. He called me from the service, telling me that the car suddenly started in the service yard, when he arrived there, so he will be home in no time. I put the kids into bed, together with my mother-in-law, and we went out to have some beer together. Bogdan finally arrived, very tired after such an evening, so we sat on the terrace, drinking beer and talking in the dark. 
His mother was wetting the garden, and he asked her: 
"Mom, have you noticed that I washed your car today?" 
She answered: 
"I just put the water hose on it, two minutes ago! Why didn't you tell me earler?" We laughed as crazy all together, letting go all the tension of the day...
Hope you all had a funny weekend! May the week to be the same!

10 comentarii:

drstoica spunea...

E cu bani intrarea in parcul vostru de distractii? :)

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

Cred ca, daca te prezinti cu niste bere, iti facem un pret preferential :D. Si te lasam sa culegi si restul de visine pentru dulceata.

drstoica spunea...

Pentru dulceata voastra? :)

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

Dar ce credeai? sigur ca pentru a noastra! Si, uite, ca sa nu zici ca nu sunt generoasa, te lasam sa scoti si samburii :D. Te ajuta domnisoara doctor, ca intre confrati :).

habarnam spunea...

:)) Ohohoo, ce distracție la voi acolo. Ce mai aveți de cules? Că mă bag. Vin și cu ajutoare. Le mănâncă Gogo cu tot cu sâmburi. De cireșe nici nu se atinge. :)) Și știe să măsoare și cu oliota-ruleta.

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@habarnam: ar mai fi niste corcoduse, dar inca nu s-au copt. Gogo probabil le-ar manca si crude, asa ca il asteptam :). Apropo, dulceata de corcoduse s-o face? Ca eu am auzit doar de compot.

giozi spunea...

Great summer, love the first picture

habarnam spunea...

Se face si de castraveti, asa ca, ai toate sansele sa-ti iasa si din corcoduse. Ce stiu sigur ca se face este un fel de pasta cu care se acresc ciorbe. :)))

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@giozi: Thank you! And just to know it, I made the first picture! :)

The Fairy's Apprentice spunea...

@habarnam: ei, ciorba stim si noi sa o acrim cu corcoduse, ca avem rude la tara :). Dar dulceata n-am mancat niciodata, ar fi un an bun sa incepem :).